Herban Bud THCa Pre-Rolls

HERBAN BUD THCa Pre-Rolls (Wedding Cake) one of the best to smoke over and over. The tube is neat and informative, i knew what i was getting as far as an indica wedding cake, and it delivered a pleasant party in my mind. After the initial smoke and buzz, the back of throat taste came on stronger, and the buzz kept lifting, which was really nice. Some doobies make you wanna listen to music and just relax, this is one of them. please sir, may i have some more?

One of the best to smoke over and over. The tube is neat and informative, i knew what i was getting as far as an indica wedding cake, and it delivered a pleasant party in my mind. After the initial smoke and buzz, the back of throat taste came on stronger, and the buzz kept lifting, which was really nice. Some doobies make you wanna listen to music and just relax, this is one of them. please sir, may i have some more?

Artwork by Mike Diana


I wanted to ride the ghost train seeing the fine glass packaging, informative copy, and nice artwork, with a slit to view the amazing pre-roll within. Fat, perfect roll, we laughed at the perfection. Like lighting a log of love, an easy puff, a really slow burn, and immediate laughter from all within 5 mins as we all started doing "woo-woo" of the ghost train. how ya feelin'? "woo-woo!" want another hit? "woo-woo"! we were ghost train ridin' juggaloes for the next half hour or so, when the ghostly train of thought slowly eased into the satiated station of satiation. a really nice ride.

Brian’s Craft
Ghost Train Pre-Rolls

Weed Dude Review: Dynalites TNT Pre-Rolls

Dynalite TNT Pre-Rolls

Weed Dude Reviews Mellow Fellow - Warhol's Charged Blend Pineapple Express Pre-Rolls: Come on now, now can you go wrong with a Mellow Fellow, Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe on the beautiful mini jar the mini doobs came in? and Pineapple Express Sativa? Where's Seth Rogen to party with me? I didn't realize this jar had blunts! the powder on the mini-blunts obscured the doobage, and when i opened it, there were 5 gorgeous pre-rolls! Smelled delish! Def Pineapple vibes, and the smoke was phenom. It lit and burned like a mini-cigar, smelled and tasted great, and we smoked it down to the end. Immediate sativa buzz, feeling reeeeaaal good and just kept getting better. Good energy, brain activity, just a nice intense high, cerebral and invigorating. good thing there was five, because there's now 3. haha! good stuff.

Mellow Fellow: Warhol’s Charged Blend Pineapple Express Pre-Rolls

A small jar with the cool flying monkey logo, and a clear look at the 7 mini doobs within. you'd think these baby burners would be done in a flash, but it burned slow and easy, and really had a nice taste before, during and after the smoke. the float came fairly quick and lasted quite a while, i'd say one of my best highs in quite awhile, along with a great taste. I'd be into trying the other flavors, happy to share these mini with my discriminating buds. Hail Baby Jesus Buds!

Flying Monkey Baby Jay’s Pre-Rolls